Action Citroen

Action Citroen
NextjsTailwindTypescriptShadcn UINode.jsPostgreSQL

Online Product Catalog and Institutional Website

This platform was designed to provide a seamless and fast browsing experience for Citroen vehicles in the Ribeirão Preto region, modernizing the dealership’s legacy project with the latest technologies. The project includes the following features:

  • Product Catalog: Enhanced with filters and search functionalities.
  • Institutional Pages: Highlighting the dealership’s services and history.
  • CRM Integration: For efficient client and lead management.
  • Inventory System Integration: Connecting to Volvo Thor’s inventory management API.
  • Admin Panel: To manage promotional banners and maintain the dealership’s linktree.

Challenges and Solutions

One of the key challenges was building a comprehensive product catalog while upgrading to the latest Next.js 15 framework. We addressed this by refactoring the legacy codebase and transitioning the project to TypeScript. Additionally, we implemented a caching system to significantly improve application performance.

Technologies Used

  • Frontend: Next.js for server-side rendering, boosting SEO and application performance.
  • Backend: Node.js with Express for data management and integration with Citroen’s inventory system.
  • Database: PostgreSQL for reliable data storage and integration with Citroen’s inventory system.
  • Integration: With Citroen’s inventory management system and the dealership’s CRM.
  • NextAuth: For user authentication and administrative access to the dashboard.


Post-launch, the platform achieved a 15% increase in customer conversions compared to the previous solution. The homepage load time was reduced by 60%, enhancing the user experience. Additionally, organic traffic grew by 20%, reflecting the improved SEO strategy.

Lessons Learned

This project underscored the importance of responsive design and scalable architecture. It also deepened our expertise in performance optimization for large-scale Next.js applications. Furthermore, it reinforced best practices for SEO in automotive-focused web platforms.